Non bene olet qui bene semper olet.
(Martial, 2.12.4)

Something smells fishy about a person who always smells of perfume.

(pron = nohn BEH-neh OH-let kwee BEH-neh SEHM-pehr OH-let)

Comment: I’ve taken some liberties with rendering this in English. Literally,
Martial is saying that he does not smell well who always smells well. Hence,
we generally become suspicious (smell a rat) around someone who always smells

The person who works in the yard and never breaks a sweat; the parent whose
child never does anything wrong; the face that never has a pimple; the adult
whose bank account is never over-drawn; the athlete who eats everything under
the sun and only gains muscle; these are only a few examples of those who
always smell of perfume. The picture is too good to be true. It always is.
Life never unfolds in picture perfect fashion.

And yet, I know I am not alone in having grown up under the deeply infused
notion that perfect was what I was supposed to be. It makes for a great deal
of misery, neurotic behaviors that become our “personality” and the generator
of a great deal of grief for ourselves and those we are in contact with.

So, the wisdom? Let yourself stink today, even if just a little bit. And when
the sour smell becomes obvious, just smile and say—yes, that’s me. I don’t
smell so well today. And then enjoy how you, your very own self, smell, just
the way that you are!

Bob Patrick
(Used with permission)
Latin Proverb of the Day is now available on the web.