A somewhat strange excerpt from a 'literary gossip' column in the Independent:

Trust Germaine Greer to ruffle fresh feathers, even among the scholarly predators of the Classical world. This week at the Bloomsbury Theatre, the refugee from Celebrity Big Brother (and scholar, critic, historian... ) gave the annual Sebald Lecture on the art of translation that follows the award of prizes for the year's best translations from individual languages. Greer sank her fearsome talons into a supposedly new poem by the semi-legendary Sappho, located by researchers on a papyrus in Cologne. She poured scorn on the credentials of the recent discovery, snorting that "if Sappho wrote this kind of stuff, we can afford to be without her". The poem she rejects was presented with a loud fanfare in June by the Times Literary Supplement. And which august journal co-hosted the event? You guessed.

... alas, I can't find any further details.

UPDATE: N. (via Classics Central ... thanks) alerts us to Peter Stothard's blog (he's the TLS guy) post on this ... we'll be hearing more.