The first weeks of school and a father having a heart attack (he's fine) have conspired to make me fall hopelessly behind in my blog reading, so here's a bit of a roundup of items which I've briefly scanned ... @Archaeoastronomy there's an interesting post on the possible connection between Delphi and Dolphins ... over @ Laudator, MG has given us a pile of posts on the usual various subjects (after claiming blogging would be reduced!) ... Hobbyblog's coin collection continues to be put up for all to see (a 'two-headed' coin posted there causes me to wonder whether Romans 'flipped' coins ... 'ships or something' I recall, but I'm not sure if that was ancient or modern adaptation) ... Iconoclasm continues his thesis-in-progress (a couple of particularly interesting posts are the ones on Magic in Ancient Rome and the review of Ward-Perkins) ... Classics in Contemporary Culture seems to be slowly coming back to life ... Glaukopidos disagrees on some points of my views on the latest episode of Rome (and answers some of my questions ... I forgot to mention the nice scene of the imagines of the ancestors in Atia's house) ... on a related note, I see brief murmurings on the web that Rome has been picked up for a second season (12 more episodes), but I'll wait till I see it mentioned in a news source for confirmation ...