Alas, I'm afraid that rewatching the second episode of Rome has confused me a bit more. As I mentioned in my initial summary of the episode, we appear to be in 50 A.D.; we've mentioned the chronological problems with Cicero, but the big chronological problem is they still have Pompey as consul. I'm not sure whether Caecilius Metellus Scipio is his colleague in this episode, but he's the guy who makes the proposal that Caesar be declared an enemy (I had assumed Curio until in the reviewing I noticed that Pompey mentioned that "Scipio" would be making the proposal). And, of course, we possibly should expect a proposal that Pompey set down his legions too, but I guess that doesn't fit into the plot development.

Another area I was wondering about was the ceremony by which Marcus Antonius was being made tribune. I have not been able to find anything associated with this, but as portrayed, there is a prayer to Jupiter Fulgor and assorted rituals done by females with some strange apparatus on their heads (I have seen this somewhere before but can't remember ... it's like an anthropomorphic vase). The ceremony appears to be presided over by an augur (so the prayer to Jupiter Fulgor makes sense).

I'm still not clear on the thing I referred to as an "Indian" looking statue. I did notice, though, that there's a somewhat-average-endowed Priapus (?) there as well.

Other quicky observations: the slaves' feet weren't chalked (although one slave did get branded) and the calendar had no connection to reality (the old guy changing the day was in the middle of the calendar ... no way you could make that scene a 'changing the day in December' thing) ... Octavia has a lararium in her bedroom (not quite right) ... Caesar has one in his headquarters ...