Today we begin inclusion of Latin teacher Robert Patrick's take on some ancient Latin proverb ... ecce:

Simul et dictum et factum. (pron = see-mool eht dik-toom eht fahk-toom)

What is said and what is done are the same.

Comment: As a teacher and as a parent I have read what seem like dozens of
school policies. I recall one that seems to me sort of the epitome of this
proverb—in reverse.

The policy stated up front that the school believed that students were
responsible for their own behavior. The rest of the document, two pages long,
indicated what the adults in the building were prepared to do if students did
not live up to the adult expectations. Punishment after punishment after
punishment. By the time the document was finished, the adults 1) owned all of
the expectations; 2) made all of the rules; 3) levied all of the punishments;
4) and decided when the punishments had been satisfied.

There was nothing left for the students to be responsible for. The school SAID
that students were responsible for their own behavior. The school ACTED as if
the adults were responsible for everything.

The difference is called integrity—from the Latin, integer, which means “whole”.
Human integrity means that what we say and what we do are one. When we
separate them, however good the intentions, we teach and practice just the

Bob Patrick
(used with permission)