The incipit of a column in the Courier-Journal, ultimately about Rafael Palmeiro's recent 'admission' (not the right word ... 'getting caught' is better) of using steroids:

Leading off and playing moral centerfield is Diogenes -- more fully known as Diogenes of Sinope. He was the legendary Greek cynic, ascetic and philosopher who made it into the Mediterranean Hall of Fame about 2,400 years ago by supposedly living in self-imposed poverty, dissing Alexander the Great and wandering the streets of Athens in broad daylight carrying a lantern while searching for an honest man.

His biography would include being captured by pirates, then declaring while on the slavery auction block: "I can govern men; therefore sell me to one who wants a master."

Diogenes would preach -- to the Greeks -- his doctrine of virtuous self-control; no wine, women or song. He took shots at the Athenian notion of freedom by pointing out that it was confined to aristocratic males. His message was that human culture is dominated by things that prevent simplicity -- money and longing for status. So when he died in Corinth the Greeks built a lavish marble column by his tomb while the home folks back in Sinope created bronze statues. Apparently the message still hasn't gotten through -- but it's only been 25 centuries.