Hampden-Sydney College, a private liberal arts college for men with a commitment to excellence in undergraduate education and with a strong tradition of teaching the classics, invites applications for a tenure-track appointment beginning August 2007. We are seeking a generalist in Classics who is able to teach ancient art and archaeology and who is willing to teach also in the College-wide programs of Western Culture and/or Freshman Composition. The successful candidate should have the Ph.D. by the time of appointment. The teaching load for this position is seven courses per year. Hampden-Sydney College, a selective college founded in 1775, is located in south-central Virginia and has an enrollment of approximately 1050 students. Please send a letter of application, a curriculum vitae, and three letters of reference to Professor James A. Arieti, Chair, Department of Classics, Hampden-Sydney College, Hampden-Sydney, VA 23943 (Contact information: telephone, 434.223.6252; FAX, 434.223.6045; jarieti@hsc.edu). A review of applications will begin on 1 December 2006, and we hope to conduct preliminary interviews at the APA meeting in San Diego in early January. AA/EEO.


CAAS is seeking an Executive Director! See this job description for details.
Applications and nominations are welcome.

Lectureship in Ancient History (Lecturer A)

Applications are invited for a new permanent full-time Lectureship (Lecturer A) to be held in the Department of Classics from 1st January 2007.

The successful candidate will be a scholar with a strong research profile working in any field of Ancient History, understood as extending to Late Antiquity. Relevant experience in teaching at undergraduate and Master’s level is desirable, as well as the ability to develop postgraduate research supervision, and a willingness to play a full role in academic and administrative activities.

For further particulars and application form, see http://www.info.rdg.ac.uk/newjobs/details.asp?RefernceNumber=AC0644

Anyone who would like informal discussion of the post is most welcome to contact Helen King by email or on 0118 987 6993.

CLOSING DATE Friday 17 November

Approved tenure-track assistant professor position for
specialist in Latin literature, effective Fall 2007. Salary competitive,
commensurate with qualifications. Must have Ph.D. in hand (or all doctoral
requirements completed by 8/1/07) in Classics or or a related discipline;
university-level teaching experience preferred. Must be able to teach Latin
and Greek at all levels as well as courses in Greek and Roman culture. We
welcome candidates with expertise in such areas as Roman literature within
the larger Mediterranean context, interaction of the city of Rome with the
periphery of the empire, gender and sexuality studies, and issues of
ethnicity. Ours is the only Classics department in the California State
Univ. system that offers both the B.A. and M.A. in Classics, and is State-
certified for subject matter preparation in Latin for teaching at the
secondary school level. For more information about the department, see
http://www.sfsu.edu/~clas. Application must be postmarked no later than 11/
1/06, and must include a letter of application, a current CV, information
about teaching range and effectiveness, and 3 current letters of
recommendation (which may be sent separately, but must arrive via post, not
e-mail). Direct applications and inquiries to Prof. David D. Leitao, Chair,
Dept. of Classics, San Francisco State Univ., 1600 Holloway Ave., San
Francisco CA 94132 (phone: 415 338-2068; e-mail: dleitao@sfsu.edu). First
interviews will take place in San Diego at the APA/AIA meeting. SF State is
an AA/EO employer.


The Editor is initially appointed for four years, with the possibility of extension. The new editor's term officially begins in January 2008 and will cover volumes 129-132, 2008-2011. AJP is published quarterly (March, June, September, December). As Editor Designate, however, the new editor will begin to receive submissions late in 2007 and help to prepare the issues for 2008 and beyond.

Original ad available here ...

The Department of Ancient History and Classics at Trent University
invites applications for a tenure-track position at the rank of
Assistant Professor in Greek History, effective July 1, 2007 (subject to
budgetary approval). The successful applicant should also be able to
teach Greek and Latin at all levels of the curriculum. Applicants must
have a Ph.D. in hand and be able to demonstrate effective records of
teaching success and research achievement or promise.

The Department of Ancient History & Classics offers degree programs in
Ancient Greek & Roman Studies and in Greek & Latin Language & Literature
and is involved in the Trent/Queen's Graduate Program. For further
information on the Department and its activities, please consult the web
site at: http://www.trentu.ca/ahc/

Applicants should send (in printed form) a curriculum vitae, a writing
sample, a teaching dossier, and a statement outlining current and future
research interests by November 29, 2006 to the address below. Applicants
should ask three referees to send letters of recommendation under
separate cover or by e-mail directly to the Chair.
Please send application materials to:
Prof. Jennifer Moore, Chair,
Dept. of Ancient History and Classics,
Trent University,
1600 West Bank Drive.
Peterborough, ON K9J 7B8 Canada. (jmoore@trentu.ca).
Trent University is an employment equity employer, and especially
invites applications from women, Aboriginal persons, visible minorities
and persons with disabilities. All qualified candidates are encouraged
to apply; however, Canadian and permanent residents will be given

Lectureship in Greek literature and its reception

Applications are invited for a lectureship in Greek literature and its reception. UCL’s Department of Greek and Latin obtained the top rating of 5* in both the 1996 and the 2001 research assessment exercises. It has an outstanding tradition of teaching at both undergraduate and postgraduate level and a large and active cohort of highly qualified research students. The successful candidate will contribute to the department’s teaching and research.

The appointment will date from 1 September 2007. Salary will be at Lecturer Grade 7 in the range £30, 012 to £32,795 plus London weighting of £2572. Membership of USS will be available.

Further particulars can be obtained from the departmental secretary, Mrs Alison Angel, Department of Greek and Latin, University College, Gower Street, London WC1E 6BT, (E-Mail: a.angel@ucl.ac.uk, Tel: 020 7679 7522) to whom applications should be submitted. Closing date for applications is Friday 17 November 2006.

University of Oxford, Sub-Faculty of Classical Languages and Literature and Merton College, Oxford University Lecturership (CUF) and Tutorial Fellowship in Classics

The Sub-Faculty of Classical Languages and Literature seeks to appoint a University Lecturer in Classics with effect from October 2007. This post is associated with a Tutorial Fellowship at Merton College. The Sub-Faculty is one of the leading Classics Departments in the world and the College has a distinguished tradition in the subject. Together, they intend to appoint a front-rank classicist possessing or with the potential for an outstanding record in research at international level and with a strong commitment to teaching. The total university and college stipend is on the age-related scale £38,019 to £51,095 p.a. (2006-7 rates), plus allowances. The appointment will be pensionable under the USS scheme. Full details of the post, its conditions, and the application process are set out in the Further Particulars which can be downloaded from www.merton.ox.ac.uk or, in case of difficulty, may be obtained from the Sub-Warden’s Secretary, Merton College, Oxford, OX1 4JD (e-mail: lesley.walsh@admin.merton.ox.ac.uk; telephone 01865 86299). The closing date for receipt of applications is 6 December 2006. The University of Oxford and Merton College are equal opportunities employers.

University of Oxford, Sub-Faculty of Classical Languages and Literature and Corpus Christi College, Oxford University Lecturership (CUF) and Tutorial Fellowship in Greek Language and Literature

The Sub-Faculty of Classical Languages and Literature seeks to appoint a University Lecturer in Greek Language and Literature with effect from October 2007. This post is associated with a Tutorial Fellowship and the E. P. Warren Praelectorship at Corpus Christi College. The Sub-Faculty forms part of one of the leading Classics faculties in the world and the College has a distinguished tradition in the subject. Together, they intend to appoint a front-rank classicist possessing or with the potential for an outstanding record in research at international level and with a strong commitment to teaching. The total university and college stipend is on the scale £37,643 to £50,590 p.a. (2006‑7 rates), plus allowances. The appointment will be pensionable under the USS scheme. Full details of the post, its conditions, and the application process are set out in the Further Particulars which can be downloaded from http://www.ccc.ox.ac.uk/vacancies/academic.php or, in case of difficulty, may be obtained from the College Secretary, Corpus Christi College, Oxford, OX1 4JF (email: andrew.garlick@ccc.ox.ac.uk, telephone +44 (0)1865 276737). The closing date for receipt of applications is Wednesday 6 December 2006.

The University of Oxford and Corpus Christi College are equal opportunities employers.

Montclair State University plans to hire a tenure-track assistant
professor with expertise in mythology (of any tradition) to teach
mythology, general education, core, and advanced courses beginning
September 1, 2007. The successful candidate will be expected to
develop and teach upper-level courses in myth or other appropriate
general humanities topics as well as to collaborate with other faculty
members in enriching the curriculum, developing events centered on
mythology, increasing student interest in mythology, and expanding the
department's role as a center for mythological inquiry. Requirements
include a Ph.D. focused on mythology and its interdisciplinary academic
study together with at least two years of college-level teaching
experience with proven excellent teaching ability and a commitment to
general education. Candidates should demonstrate scholarship in which
mythological inquiry plays a central role. They should have
publications in press or accepted at peer-reviewed academic forums, as
well as concrete plans for multiple publications within the next four
years. Candidates must have the ability to to reach across disciplinary
boundaries, should be willing to engage in grant-writing, and are
expected to be willing to provide service to the department, university,
and larger professional community. Montclair State University, located
12 miles west of Midtown Manhattan, is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative
Action Institution. Applications are due November 1 to Chair, Mythology
Search Committee, Department of Classics & General Humanities, Montclair
State University, Montclair, NJ 07043. Tel.: 973-655-4419.

BYZANTINE RELIGION—The Richard Stockton College of New Jersey seeks
applications for a tenure track Assistant Professor of Religion to
start September 2007. Salaries competitive with excellent benefits.
Ph.D. required by time of appointment. AOS: Religious Thought of the
Middle Ages (Greek & Latin) and/or Byzantine Religion. AOC: Philosophy
of Religion, World Religions. Candidate must also be able to teach
interdisciplinary courses such as Byzantine civilization & culture,
early Christian history, and inter-religious relations. Evidence of
teaching excellence required. Teaching load is six four-hour courses,
as well as teaching courses in the General Studies Curriculum.
Screening begins immediately and will continue until position is
filled. Send letter of application with CV, statement of teaching
philosophy, and three letters of recommendation to Robert Gregg, Dean,
Arts and Humanities, The Richard Stockton College of New Jersey, AAxx,
PO 195, Pomona, NJ 08240-0195. Stockton is an AA/EOE.

The Department of Classics of the University of Cincinnati invites applications for a tenure-track position at the level of Assistant or Advanced Assistant Professor in Mediterranean archaeology (period and specialization open) to begin in the fall of 2007. Candidates should have skills, experience, and interests relevant to the program of a Classics department.

The department offers the B.A., M.A., and Ph.D. degrees and has twelve full-time faculty lines (five philologists, four archaeologists, three historians). It is housed as a single unit with offices, classrooms, lecture halls, and library occupying adjoining floors. The departmental library contains one of the largest and best Classics, Byzantine, and Modern Greek collections in the world. More information about the department is available on our website: .

The applicant should send a letter of application, a curriculum vitae, three letters of recommendation, and a writing sample to Professors Jack L. Davis and Gisela Walberg, Chairs, Mediterranean Archaeology Search Committee, Department of Classics, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio 45221-0226 (jack.davis@uc.edu and giswalberg@fuse.net). The committee will review applications starting December 1, 2006. Position open until filled. Pending final budgetary approval. The University of Cincinnati is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer. Women and minorities are encouraged to apply.

The Department of Classics of the University of Cincinnati invites applications for a tenure-track position at the level of Assistant or Advanced Assistant Professor in archaeology with a specialization in Roman archaeology to begin in the fall of 2007.

The department offers the B.A., M.A., and Ph.D. degrees and has twelve full-time faculty lines (five philologists, four archaeologists, three historians). It is housed as a single unit with offices, classrooms, lecture halls, and library occupying adjoining floors. The departmental library contains one of the largest and best Classics, Byzantine, and Modern Greek collections in the world. More information about the department is available on our website: .

The applicant should send a letter of application, a curriculum vitae, three letters of recommendation, and a writing sample to Professors Jack L. Davis and Gisela Walberg, Chairs, Roman Archaeology Search Committee, Department of Classics, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio 45221-0226 (jack.davis@uc.edu and giswalberg@fuse.net). The committee will review applications starting December 1, 2006. Position open until filled. Pending final budgetary approval. The University of Cincinnati is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer. Women and minorities are encouraged to apply.

The Department of History and Classics Program invites applications for a tenure-track position at the rank of assistant professor in Latin Literature, effective 1 August 2007. The successful candidate should hold a PhD and show promise of excellence in teaching and scholarly research. The ability to teach undergraduate and graduate courses is required. A letter of application, curriculum vitae, one-page statement of teaching philosophy, and three confidential letters of reference should be sent to Professor Brian Lewis, Chair, Department of History, McGill University, 855 Sherbrooke Street West, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, H3A 2T7. The application deadline is 15 November 2006. We will conduct interviews at the January 2007 meeting of the American Philological Association in San Diego.

We encourage all qualified people to apply, but Canadian citizens and permanent residents will be given priority. McGill University is committed to equity in employment. English is the language of instruction at McGill, but knowledge of French is an asset.

The Department of History, Faculty of Arts, invites applications for a tenure-track position at the rank of Assistant Professor in ancient Greco-Roman history, with a preference for one or more of the following areas: women and/or gender; Greco-Roman Egypt; the Hellenistic period; Late Antiquity. The position, to commence on 1 July 2007, is subject to budgetary approval.

Requirements include a completed PhD in History or equivalent discipline and an ongoing program of historical research in the area of specialization. Candidates are expected to demonstrate promise of excellence in teaching at all levels as well as in scholarly research and publication. The successful candidate should be suitable for prompt appointment to the Faculty of Graduate Studies.

York University is an Affirmative Action Employer. The Affirmative Action Program can be found on York’s website at www.yorku.ca/acadjobs or a copy may be obtained from the Affirmative Action Office at 416-736-5713. All qualified candidates are encouraged to apply; however, Canadian citizens and permanent residents will be given priority.

Applicants should send a letter of application, c.v., and teaching dossier; and arrange for three confidential letters of recommendation to arrive no later than 24 November 2006.

Professor Elizabeth S. Cohen
Chair, Department of History
Faculty of Arts, York University
4700 Keele Street
Toronto, Ontario, Canada M3J 1P3
Phone: 416-736-5123; Fax 416-736-5836

Greek History
School of Humanities, Department of Classics
University of Nottingham

Millsaps College, a nationally ranked liberal arts college, invites applications for an approved full-time, tenure-track position at the rank of assistant professor, beginning in August 2007. The Department of Classical Studies seeks a broadly trained Hellenist to teach Latin and Greek at all undergraduate levels, civilization courses incorporating material culture, and field-study trips. We seek someone who will enthusiastically embrace the academic life of the college at large. Classics contributes significantly to the college's interdisciplinary, writing-intensive Core Curriculum; candidates must be willing and able to support the Core's programs in world civilizations and its freshman seminar in critical thinking. Demonstrable excellence in teaching is essential along with evidence of scholarly potential.

By November 15, 2006, please send 1) a cover letter, detailing research interests and teaching philosophy; 2) a CV; 3) a writing sample; 4) graduate transcripts; and 5) three letters of recommendation to Dr. Catherine R. Freis, Chair, Dept. of Classical Studies, Box 150175, Millsaps College, 1701 North State Street, Jackson, MS 39210. Email: freiscr@millsaps.edu; tel. 601-974-1296. Applicants must have Ph.D in hand June 2007. We will conduct initial interviews at the APA annual meeting in San Diego in January 2007. Millsaps College is AA/EOE.

The Department of Classics at New York University seeks to hire at the level of assistant professor (tenure-track) or associate professor (tenured) in the field of Greek literature to begin September 1, 2007, pending final administrative and budgetary approval. The department has specific needs in the archaic and classical periods, and would especially welcome applications from scholars working on the idea and phenomenon of performance broadly construed; but the position is open to specialists in all periods and genres (including prose). Please send a cover letter, cv, three letters of recommendation, and a writing sample (ca. 20 pages) to Professor David Levene, Chair of the Search Committee, Dept. of Classics, New York University, 25 Waverly Place, New York, NY 10003 by November 17, 2006. Professor Levene is also happy to answer inquiries about this position (d.s.levene@nyu.edu or 212-998-8598). Please note that we will be interviewing candidates at the APA Meeting in San Diego. NYU is an Equal Opportunity / Affirmative Action Employer.

The Department of Classics at UCLA requires a visiting lecturer to teach in the spring quarter of 2007 (March 28-June 15). The teaching load consists of a large lecture course in Roman Civilization (literature, history, and material culture) and the third quarter of elementary Latin. Both assignments include the supervision of graduate student instructors. The Ph.D. is required. The appointment will be full-time and include the University of California's package of health benefits. Salary will be commensurate with experience. Applications, including CV, three letters of recommendation, and evidence of successful teaching in these areas, should be sent to Professor John K. Papadopoulos, Department of Classics, Dodd Hall 100, UCLA, 405 N. Hilgard Ave., Los Angeles, CA 90095-1417. Phone: 310-825-4171. The application deadline is December 1, 2006, but dossiers will be accepted until the position is filled. AA/EEO.


Beginning August 2007, tenure-track Assistant Professor in the Department of
Classical and Near Eastern Studies, Program in Classical Studies. We seek a
broadly trained classicist literary scholar, specialization open, PhD in
hand, to teach ancient Greek and Latin language and literature, all levels,
and ancient Greek, Roman, and Mediterranean civilization and culture,
including courses in the successful candidate's area of specialization.
Interests complementing and augmenting existing Program strengths are
desirable. Especially desirable: interdisciplinary foci, methodologies
combining the innovative with the traditional, approaches incorporating
material culture into literary study. Candidates must supply evidence of
scholarly achievement and promise; that means a concrete, pragmatic plan for
publication. The successful candidate will provide inspiring, effective
instruction in the ancient languages and literatures, and will teach culture
and civilization courses serving the needs of both University and Program.
We welcome ideas for offerings meeting the University's General Education
requirements, for instance, in Global Interdependencies (Western-non-Western
interactions). Send a letter of application, CV, and names and addresses of
three recommenders to: Andrew Scholtz, Chair, Classics Search Committee,
Department of Classical and Near Eastern Studies, PO Box 6000, Binghamton
University, State University of New York, Binghamton, NY 13902. Phone
607-777-6709. E-mail ascholtz@binghamton.edu. Web-description, links:
http://classics.binghamton.edu/classics_position.htm. Receipt deadline, all
materials: 1 December 2006. Send hard copy only; electronic/E-mail
applications not accepted. Preliminary interviews will be held at the 2007
APA Annual Meeting, San Diego. The State University of New York is an Equal
Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer, and strongly encourages
applications from women and minority candidates.


Assistant Professor

The Department of Classics at Cornell University will seek to appoint a
tenure-track Assistant Professor to begin July 1, 2007 in Classical
Archaeology, with any specialization in the archaeology of the Greek and/or
Roman worlds beginning with the Archaic period. We may be particularly
interested in candidates working in the Hellenistic and/or Roman periods.
Candidates should demonstrate interest and experience in fieldwork, ability
and experience in archaeological theory, method and practice, and promise of
scholarship and publications. The appointee will be expected to teach
courses in archaeology at all levels, contribute appropriately to a Classics
program, as well as maintain close ties to Cornell's program in Archaeology.
Women and minorities are especially encouraged to apply. Please send a
letter of application, a curriculum vitae, three letters of reference, and a
representative writing sample to Professor Jeffrey Rusten, Department of
Classics, Cornell University, 120 Goldwin Smith Hall, Ithaca, NY 14853. The
deadline for receipt of applications is November 27, 2006. Interviews will
be conducted at the AIA annual meeting in San Diego January 5-7, 2007.
Cornell is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer and Educator.


The Editor is initially appointed for four years, with the possibility of extension. The new editor's term officially begins in January 2008 and will cover volumes 129-132, 2008-2011. AJP is published quarterly (March, June, September, December). As Editor Designate, however, the new editor will begin to receive submissions late in 2007 and help to prepare the issues for 2008 and beyond.

AJP is published by Johns Hopkins University Press (http://muse.jhu.edu/journals/american_journal_of_philology/). There is an editorial board and four associate editors (three, one each for Greek, Latin, and history, who select referees and adjudicate articles in consultation with the editor, and one book review editor, who selects books and reviewers in consultation with the editor and edits all book reviews). The new editor will decide on the composition of the board and the associate editors.

The editor of AJP has sole responsibility for editorial content, and he or she must acknowledge submissions and inform authors whether submissions have been accepted. In addition, the editor must work closely with the journals division of Johns Hopkins University Press, which typesets, produces and distributes each issue.

The editorship requires care, tact, good, judgment, fairness, and efficiency. Authors have a right to expect that their submissions will be evaluated fairly, courteously, and promptly, but securing appropriate referees is not always an easy task. Referees do not always agree, and the editor and associate editors must assess their evaluations. Most articles are significantly revised before final acceptance, and the editor frequently advises authors on matters of both substance and style. Many younger scholars submit work to AJP, and the editor often needs to provide them extra help. The work is therefore considerable, but the editor enjoys a corresponding influence and authority.

The editor prepares an annual report for the editorial board and hosts an annual breakfast for the board at the annual meeting of the APA. The editor also attends the annual lunch meeting for editors of classical journals at the APA annual meeting. The editor receives an editorial stipend, and there is a limited amount of financial support available from JHUP for such things as postage and copying. Short-listed candidates will be asked to determine what support their home institutions would be willing to provide to enable them to undertake this work (course release, office, editorial assistant, copying and postage, stationery, computer).

Potential candidates should submit a current CV and a statement detailing relevant experience to the chair of the search committee, Professor Barbara K. Gold, Department of Classics, Hamilton College, 198 College Hill Rd., Clinton, NY 13323 (bgold@hamilton.edu) no later than December 15, 2006 . The committee is also eager to receive suggestions for suitable candidates to invite to apply. The other members of the search committee are Helene Foley, Carole Newlands, Carl Rubino and Richard Talbert.

At the APA site ...
Program in Hellenic Studies

Dear Colleagues,

I bring to your attention the announcements and applications for our
Hellenic Studies post-doctoral fellowships and visiting fellowships, as
well as Library Research grants, academic year 2007-2008:


Please share our fellowship announcements with colleagues, and kindly
forward the above link to qualified candidates.

Many thanks in advance. With all best wishes,

Dimitri Gondicas
Executive Director
Program in Hellenic Studies
Princeton University

[Classics List]
LATIN LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE -- September 2007, Tenure-track Assistant
Professor. Salaries competitive with excellent benefits.

Teach courses in classical Latin language, literature and culture
(including myth and daily life). Teach courses in History or
Literature of the ancient world and courses in the General Studies
curriculum. Teaching load is six four-hour courses per year. Ph.D.
required with college-level teaching experience preferred. Background
in classical Greek and Greek history and literature very desirable.
Scholarly research and pedagogical technology expertise will benefit

Send letter of application with teaching philosophy, C.V., and three
letters of recommendation to Dr. Robert Gregg, Dean of Arts and
Humanities, AA__, Richard Stockton College of New Jersey, PO Box 195,
Pomona, NJ 08240-0195. Screening begins December 4, 2006, and will
continue until position is filled. Stockton is an AA/EOE.

[Classics List]